Sunday, September 27, 2009

27.09.2009 (A Day Before My Birthday)

Everyone is celebrating Navratri and the atmosphere is filled with the ‘garba’ and dance and music every night ; perhaps the greatest display of mass involvement any where in the world.

It is a moment of festivity in the Jews too I believe and then later in the month, Halloween. It is not mere coincidence that different faiths celebrate at the same time of the year. Beliefs are different but the reasons the same. Dear Lord, Allah, Bhagwan just make it such that we always remain together in celebration, in peace and in harmony. Let us not send signals of fear to each other. Let us all respect and embrace each other in happiness. Please remove the ugliness from within us towards the other. Help us to touch one another as companions. Get us to rid ourselves of hate and evil. Fill us voluntarily with understanding, forgiveness and love and remain with us all the time to help and guide us.

Complicated lives come from complicated living. We are our own culprits. We love to design our own complication and then when we have no solution we complicate it further by seeking external recourse. They that provide guidance and succor from our intertwined issues, lead the best lives. They are professionals that have studied human nature and its behavior. The unknown and the magical has always fascinated us.

What does the future hold for me. Will I be successful and prosper, free from illness and adversity. Will those that become family be in health and safe. How long will I live. There isn’t much more that we desire to know before hand. And there are elements in society that thrive on the needs of others. They appear before me from time to time. Not of my accord but of the desire of others who’s company I may keep occasionally. Their dress and face bear divineness. They move and speak in measured tones ; they are after all on a personal call with HIM. They look deep into our systems. They have the power to change and predict and profess and impress. They have trained well. Studied the options of their craft. For in the troubled world we live in they have mastered the art of putting you face to face with the unknown and the magical. And when you bring in belief … your meal is ready to be served, cooked and baked to perfection.

-- Vinit Vijay .

1 comment:

  1. Bhai,Really u r thinking 4 humanity n praying to god 4 peace and harmony.....
    U r really an ideal person 4 me...
    my greate bhai.....
